Sunday, August 31, 2008

We survived a week in England!

It's amazing to think that we've been here nearly one week. It's been a crazy, crazy whirlwind of a week and I think it's going to be that way until at least after Christmas! It's brilliant to be close to family though and today I went into Reading town centre (Downtown ...) with Rebekah, my neice, my sisters and bro-in-law (Dan and James went to see Dan's parents for the weekend) - here we are outside of Starbucks (SHOCK! HORROR!! And you thought all Brits drank was tea ...) in the RAIN!! It was Rebekah's first ever experience with rain (which might account for her grumpy face ...Kezia on the other hand is well used to it!). Yesterday was hot and sunny ... today was rain ... welcome back to the unpredictable British weather!

Not sure I'll get loads of time for blogging in the immediate future but now I've figured out a way to download my photos to my parents computer I should hopefully get back on track ... I think I've had withdrawal symptoms!! Got loads of photos of our last week in California that I'll post when I get chance.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rebekah sitting in a suitcase!

Tomorrow (Monday 18th) is SHIPPING DAY!!! All our stuff gets shipped back to England ... we follow a week from today (Sunday 24th) ... It's crazy and still feels very surreal. What mixed emotions we are going through. The next few weeks are going to be manic and so there won't be much time for blogging (oh, and the computer will be all packed up too!). But we will be back with lots more photos once we are alll settled - I promise!! ;0)

Looks like somebody is excited!!

Helping Daddy pack up the speakers ...

Not saying goodbye yet ...

With John, Diane, Katy and Laurie when they came to pick up the TV Laurie is having.

With Bruce and Pat

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rebekah's first time on a swing!

Bekah had her first go on a swing today! She was a bit fussy when I put her in but she soon nodded off to sleep! This was the very sam swing that James first swung in. :0)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Big Brother Lesson #1: How to play with lego in your pj's!

"That's enough!"

You know you're taking too many photos when your not-yet-2 year old looks at you and says "That's enough! Camera away now?" ...

Trying to get some more smiley photos ...

How many positions can one toddler sit in?!

I took these photos in the space of about 5 minutes while James was watching "My Friends Tigger and Pooh" (one of his favourite TV programs) ...

What a Fidget Bottom!!

The Dancing Machine!

James has become a real dancing machine lately. I've been trying to capture it on video but he's just so spontaneous with his little outbursts that I never have the video camera to hand when he does it. Here he is dancing to The Wiggles' classic "Hot Potato! Hot Potato!" - I think this one is his favourite! ;0)

Proper play dough tools!

The other day we got some proper play dough tools to use. James loved them - particulary the one that makes "SNAKES!!!!"

A get well soon card and chocolate from Kezia, Auntie Sarah and Uncle Tris

James' hand is doing really well and the doctor was really pleased with how it is healing. She said he should keep the bandage on for a few more days as one of the fingers was still looking a bit raw but after that it should be fine to come off. So he hasn't had it on for the last few days. It is looking much better - thank goodness! He was pretty funny in the doctor's office because he was telling her how to rebandage his hand ... "where's the cream gone?! there it is. this finger ... this finger ... more on ... more here... this finger ..."

Playing with Linda

Linda has been over to play a few times in the last couple of weeks. James has really enjoyed doing stickers and making "big mountains" in the dirt outside! Thanks for coming to play, Linda!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A very sad goodbye ...

Yesterday was a very sad day ... we sold our purple PT Cruiser ... My first car .... ;0(

She was a wonderful car and I'm going to miss her very much!!! We ended up selling her to a guy from Sacramento. He was really nice and very excited about owning a PT Cruiser and even more excited that it was purple so I suppose she's gone to a good home. I'll miss my little purple car!!!

Rebekah's Dedication

We had Rebekah's Dedication at church on Sunday. She looked so pretty and was very well behaved (no burping during the prayer like her big brother did at his ...) ! She got a certificate and this rose.

The dedication

James came up with us too. He was a bit of a fidget but did really well all things considered. He only swatted Rebekah on the head once ... maybe he was blessing her?! Don and Amy were dedicating Alyce and there was another family too who we don't know so well.

This is the part where Bruce asks us if we will pray for Rebekah and teach her about Jesus ... we said yes!

This is the bit where Bruce asks the church if they will support and pray for us ... they said yes!

Snack time in the nursery!

Hayley checking her hair ...

I just happened to see Hayley checking her hair in the little mirror at perfect-Hayley-height! She looked so cute!

Rebekah with Melissa and Anne

Dan with his long-lost twin, Fred!

Sticker time!

There was a bit of time before church to play with stickers. James' bandage has not stopped him at all - in fact he's getting really good at pulling the backs off the stickers. He LOVES stickers!