Friday, September 26, 2008

More photos coming soon ...

James had a brilliant birthday and there are lots more photos to come! Thank you to everyone who sent cards and presents. He was a very lucky boy!!!

Another cool present!

James got this really cool crane mega blocks set for his birthday. He's had so much fun playing with it (and so has Daddy!)

The Peacock Family on the Construction Site!!

Feeding the ducks

Just lately we've been walking down to the pond at the end of the road to feed the ducks fairly often. It's cute to listen to James chattering to the ducks and swans!!

"Bye ducks!"

Running to the playground!!

Memories! Memories! This was the very field I used to run across after primary/elementary school. I just couldn't wait to get to the swings!!! It's so cool to see the next generation at it too!!! ;0)

Paper Plate Monsters!

Kezia got James this cool paper plate monster kit for his birthday. He loved it - particularly the sticky glue!!

Wearing our "pinnies"!!!

Since James loves washing-up at the moment we got him a Thomas apron to wear!
Grandma pulled out a dotty one for Mummy to wear too!!

Construction Zone Tea Party

Last Sunday we had a little birthday tea party for James with his local aunties and uncles and grandparents. It had a construction theme and I decorated the cake!! I was REALLY happy with how it turned out and it was very yummy!!!

Close-up of the cake

The pipes were chocolate fingers with the ends cut off, and the pile of "sand" Scoop is digging up is crumbled shortbread biscuit. I'd like to say that Bob and Scoop were intricately made out of fondant icing ... but I'd be lying!

The shortbread and chocolate frosting wall

The cake and decorations

Kezia, James and Uncle Tris playing

Outside in the back garden/yard - making the most of the weather!

Present time!

Kezia was really funny - she took a flying leap at the first present!! It was really sweet.

The cool Bob ball pit Auntie Caroline and Uncle Adrian got for him - he loves the balls!!

Playing the cool honey bee game (a bit like Kerplunk) that Auntie Sarah and Uncle Tris gave him ...

(I love Auntie Caroline and Uncle Adrian's face expressions in this one ... what was going on?!)

Kezia took charge of reading the instructions!!

Grandad pulled out his hard hat for the party! (I love Kezia's face!!)

Grandad (aka Norm the Builder) with his slightly bemused grandchildren ...

The birthday boy!

This was the best photo I got of James as we sang happy birthday to him!

Baking little cakes for his birthday tea!

Rebekah close-ups

So annoyed that I'd moved the camera without realizing while I was trying to make her smile.

James muscles in on the photo shoot ... what happened to my "that's enough now" boy???

Little Miss Suck Thumb

James decides it's time to gove Bekah something more than milk ...

He decided to share his yoghurt with her the other day and shoved the spoon in her mouth before I could stop him!! She looked like she enjoyed it though. ;0)

Bigger and stronger every day

Don't feel like I've posted many photos of Rebekah changing, growing and developing. Here she is getting better at sitting up - she loves to watch what is going on!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Our two little angels ...

The other day on the walk back from Caversham (the local town) both James and Rebekah fell asleep. I didn't see it happen but it looks like James decided to hold Rebekah's hand - or his hand may have just flopped onto her. But I thought they looked really cute!! Wish they were as angelic as they look in this photo all the time ....

"I love broccoli pizza!"

The other day James made a paper pizza ... he stuck on all sorts of different toppings - some traditional like bacon, peperoni, mushrooms ... and some not quite so traditional - lollipops, building blocks, cars ... As he was sticking the broccoli on he suddenly announced "I love broccoli pizza!!" ... might have to hold him to that one day .... ;0)
[Please note: it's not a defect on the photo ... he did have a smudgy mark under his nose ....]

Rebekah is official!!!

The other day I took Rebekah to the local baby clinic to figure out how the British system works!!! She got given this bright red "Personal Health Record" that all British babies are given at birth. All her facts and figures will be recorded in here and there are charts to plot her growth etc. Not quite as high-tech as our doctor's in the US but then we don't have to pay for it here!! Rebekah weighed in at 13lbs 6oz. The health visitors were really nice and I also met someone from the Family Information Centre who sent me loads of info on local toddler groups and pre-schools etc. I felt like such a foreigner but it was a very productive morning! Next time I go I'll take James too.

Who knew washing-up could be so much fun?!

James has found a new hobby ... washing-up! Well, to be more accurate he really likes getting everything in Grandma and Grandad's kitchen very wet ...

That CAN'T be comfy ...

This is how I found James when I checked on him during his afternoon nap the other day. He was fast asleep width-ways across his crib/cot!

Smiley Rebekah!

Rainy days ...

Although the weather has cleared up a bit this week last week was really wet and so we had to get Rebekah an anorak. We walked over to the park in the drizzle and so they had to have their hoods up - they looked so cute!

I am NOT amused ...

Bekah definitely seems to be a California girl and does not seem too keen on the wet stuff that keeps falling from the sky ... ;0)

What a cheeky little chap!

Want a tour round my Grandad and Grandma's back garden?!