Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Our special 6 month old little pudding!!

Bekah was 6 months old last week and so I took her to the baby clinic to get her weighed. She's now 16lbs 6oz and is doing really well - especially since she'd been sick and so was off food for a couple of weeks. Not quite the porker James was at this age (he was 21lbs!!) but I think she's going to be more delicate than her big brother! She had 3 shots that day too ... and didn't even notice she had them!!! She was so busy studying the nurse that she didn't react at all. The nurse and I were both expecting her to scream but it never happened! What a brave little girl!
Oh, in other news - she finally had her first tooth break through this morning!!!! We knew it was on the way but it finally came ... just in time for Christmas!!! ;0)
PS This is my new favourite photo of Bekah!!!
Wooly hats all round!
Watching James out of the kitchen window
Day out with Auntie Caroline

A few weeks ago Auntie Caroline had the day off work and so we spent the day together. In the morning we went to a local gardening centre called Henry Street (where, coincicdentally, Auntie Cat used to work many years ago!) because they had reindeer and lots of Christmas decorations. James was actually quite interested in the reindeer - even though they were lying down in the far corner. Must've been resting for the busy night they're going to have on Christmas eve .... We had a really brilliant day, and James was REALLY good!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Cousins Expedition to the Secret Playground!
Playing together
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sisters Day Out!

Back in November we had a Sisters Day Out to a big craft fair in Birmingham. Caroline got Sarah and I tickets as our Christmas presents. It was such a fun day out. There were LOADS of different craft stalls to buy crafting supplies and materials and then a Christmas fair part too. Thank you Caroline!! I really enjoyed the day even though it seems like a long time ago already!
Creating together ...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Well, we've been back online for a little while but what with one thing and another (like christmas shopping and baby germs!) there hasn't been much/any time for blogging!! I've got quite a back-log of photos so I'm going to put some random posts up, in no particular order! I've got loads more but know the little munchkins will be waking up from their naps soon! It's good to be back - I've missed you!!! ;0)
"Let's have a photo, shall we??"
Sweet sleepy heads!

Sometimes I manage to get them both to have a nap at the same time. We lie on Mummy and Daddy's bed, read a couple of stories and then James (and sometime Bekah too!) falls asleep. I took this one a few weeks ago because I hadn't realized James had decided to put a pillow on TOP of his head ... it looked so funny! And they both looked very sweet.
Sitting up!

Bekah sits up really well now. The first photo was one of the first times that she really sat up properly unaided and was taken a few weeks ago. The second photo is more recent. She's happiest when she's sitting up at the moment. We just have to watch that James doesn't knock her down (I wish I was joking!)
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