Thursday, January 29, 2009

Keep Smiling - it makes people wonder what you're up to!

Any one else think another tooth *might* be on it's way?!?

Not sure James is ready to give up his afternoon nap ...

In an effort to get James' bedtime earlier we are trying an experiment to phase out his afternoon naps .... This was how I found him earlier in the week - he was supposed to be playing with his contstruction trucks ... The last couple of days he has gone without the nap. I'll keep you posted on how it works out .....

"Uh-oh ..."

Life can be difficult when you can only move in reverse ....

PLEEASE say cheese!!!

Yep, this about sums up the challenges of photographing an unco-operative toddler and a baby ....

Book time with Bekah ...

I don't seem to get much opportunity to just read Bekah a story (she shares storytime with James) but we did the other day after James went down for a nap. I really enjoyed it and she seemed to as well. We got her this book for Christmas and so it's one I'm going to keep to just read with Bekah.

"Now, which of James' cars shall I play with???"

Something about this photo makes her look so grown up!

Bekah's has a go on the jumperoo!

Now that we've cleared some space in our living room there's just about enough room for the jumperoo so we decided to get it out before she outgrows it. She seems to enjoy it!

I didn't get a photo of them both smiling ...

James was busy telling Bekah how everything worked. I wonder if he does remember playing in it ....

A trip to the library ...

I took James and Bekah to our local library today and got them both their own library cards. I really love the children's area and they both seemed to enjoy it too.

"hey, what's that one about?!"

As always, Bekah was interested in what her big bro was reading ... James was funny as he kept wandering around saying "I don't know what to pick, Mummy! I don't know what to pick!" ... never mind that he wasn't actually LOOKING at any of the books! ;0)

Baking cookies with Auntie Sarah and Kezia

Auntie Sarah and Kezia came over to play yesterday afternoon and amongst other things (mainly chaos!) James and Kezia made some cookies.

More recent photos of the kids' bedroom!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Looks like it's going to take a lot to impress James ...

No photos of my own for this one but just a funny conversation ...

James: Look Daddy, mud and dirt!!
(pointing to our fridge magnet of the Grand Canyon ...)

Daddy: Hmmm, I think it's going to take alot to impress our son ....



Some of our American friends have been asking to see photos of our British home and so I've finally got round to posting some. Most of these were taken not long after we moved in at the beginning of November last year. I'll try and take some more in the next week or two as we're making changes all the time!

Welcome to our British home ...

Our little garage

We REALLY need to do something about this tree!!!

The other day I found the details of when we bought the house 10 years ago and there was a picture ... this tree was TINY!!!

Views of the back of the house and the back garden (minus the very cool bird table!)

New barrrthroom suite ....

Not long after we moved in Grandad Peacock very kindly installed this new bathroom suite for us (to replace the yucky green one!). We still need to re-do the tiling but we'll get to it eventually! (we hope!!)

James' Big Boy Bed!!

He was (and still is) very excited and proud of his new bed. More photos soon of the kids bedroom and the finishing touches we've added since these were taken back in November!

Bekah's corner of the room ...

When we first moved in Bekah was decidedly UNimpressed with the front-loading washing machine ...

NOW she wants to help sort the washing ...

NOT crawling but REALLY wanting to ....

Over the last few days Bekah has got a determined look in her eye when it comes to pushing up on all fours ... especially when James' toys are JUST out of reach!

Misleading photos of Bekah ....

She can't really crawl (Daddy put her in this position!) but it looks like it might not be long ....

Making Bird Seed Cake for the birds ...

This bird watching thing is a full time job you know!!

Smooshing it all up - James loved this part!

Taa-daaa!! The final result (and mess ... no wonder Bekah is trying to hide behind her play cube!)

Putting out the bird seed cakes with Daddy ...

Now we wait to see if the birds actually like them!

Monkey Mates

Last week I had the car for a day and so I took James and Bekah to an indoor play place called Monkey Mates (kind of like The Jungle in California). They both absolutely loved it!! This was a picture of Bekah I took on my NEW mobile/cell phone!!! ;0)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Who are this funny lot anyway?!?"

I'm finally getting around to sorting out all my photo frames and this afternoon I put together a frame of all our American friends ... James woke up from his nap before I was done and was really interested in looking at all the pictures and helping me decide which photos to put wear. I had more photos I wanted to put up so I'm going to need to use another frame! We miss y'all!

"Row, row, row your boat ...mer-wily, mer-wily down the stream"

James was singing this to Bekah earlier - it was really sweet. His boat does tend to encounter choppy waters after a while ... but tonight Bekah thought it was hilarious!

Cute, cuddly photos - it's so nice to see them like this!

Standing on her own two feet!

Bekah is getting pretty good at standing up these days and looks so chuffed with herself when she does! I think she looks really cute in this photo.

"Look what I can do, Mum!!!"

"oh-uh ... I think I'm going to do the splits!"

Your carriage awaits ...

Although the double-stroller my friend Caryn gave us has been really useful the fact that it is so wide has been a problem every now and then. The other day I got stuck on the bus and nearly got stuck in the Baby changing room at the supermarket ... so I decided to buy a new push chair. James can sit or stand on this seat at the back, and it's narrower and supposedly easier to steer than the traditional tandem ones. I've been out with it a few times and I think I'm pleased with it although there are one or two things to get used to with it and it's not quite as compact as I would like. I think the only easy solution would be not to go anywhere with the kids ... and that's not going to happen!!!