Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is how I found Bekah yesterday after one of her naps ... sitting up with her legs hanging out of the cot!

It looked so funny but the photos didn't quite capture it.

Yesterday was Pancake Day (the day before Lent begins)

So we introduced James (Bekah was asleep and missed out on all the fun this year!) to the tradition. I don't *think* any of the drool you can see in this picture got into the pancake mix (James is sick at the moment and has been drooling like a mad thing!)

The Pancake toss!!!! Dan's pancake tossing skills were very impressive ... we only had one miss!

Taa-daaaa! The finished product! They were very yummy!!!

Don't you hate a messy eater???

In this case ... NO! She still looks cute with goop all over her! ;0)

Painting wooden animals

James painted these wooden animals today. He was so sweet because he was being so careful and so precise with his painting ... the concentration on his face sums it up.

"Don't forget me!!"

This isn't where I left Bekah when I went outside to set up the pushchair/stroller .... she'd made her way across the living room. Obviously concerned about being left behind!

She's always into something ....

Time to lock up the entertainment unit again!

I have been moving Bekah away from the entertainment unit ALL day but she kept finding her way back there again. I decided it was time to start locking things up!!

"Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside!"

Last weekend we went up to Norfolk to celebrate Nanny and Uncle Mark's birthdays - it was a *special* one for Nanny! ;0) We had a great time and went for a lovely walk along on the seafront on Saturday afternoon.

Boys will be boys .... the Peacock boys teach James how to skim stones on the sea ....

Although it looks like James picked a rock rather than a stone! They were doing this for ages. ;0)

Playing catch with Grandad ...

The birthday celebration for Nanny and Uncle Mark

[I was actually saying "Everyone say BLOG!" ... that'll teach me ...]
[Notice that *somebody* is conspicously absent from the photo ... ]

James and his ENORMOUS plate of food!

Uncle Kev ... looking a bit scared .... sitting next to James isn't THAT bad, is it?

Nanny (the birthday girl) and Grandad

Auntie Lisa and Uncle Mark

"Nanny's HOW OLD?!"

[Sorry Jacky ..... ;0) ]
Uncle Kev took this great photo of Dan!

Another odd photo of Mummy ...

Just to prove that although I have Blog editors rights I do still blog stuff I don't always like! ;0)

Bekah loves Auntie Cat's bling!

Bekah always loves playing with Auntie Cat's necklace.

Daddy and his little girl (with James' cars ....)


This is Bekah on the swing at the playground down the road from Nanny and Grandad's house. She loves swings more and more - especially when it's Daddy pushing!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

New garden toys from our neighbours!

Our neighbours have 2 boys who are 8 and 5 and they were getting rid of some garden toys and asked if James and Bekah would like to have them. We got them today and both James and Bekah had so much fun in the garden this afternoon. It was brilliant, and even better because they were free!!! ;0) Thank you, Luke and Ewan!

AND a trampoline!

We'd been wondering about getting something like this for James
so he can release some of his energy because "bouncing's what James' (or Tigger's) do best!!"

AND another car!!

James was so happy to have ANOTHER car ... he kept walking around them and saying "Look Mummy, there's 2 cars now!" More cars to park!

Bekah loves driving in her car too!!

Now that she's a bit bigger Bekah can sit in the cars too and she absolutely loved it! She was grinning from ear to ear almost the whole time. Very cute.

Oyyy!!! You two, I'm over here!!!!

James teaches Bekah the importance of checking your blind spot ...

Not smiling but at least looking in the right direction! I'll take it.

Happy Birthday, Uncle NUMPTY ... err, I mean Mark!!! ;0)

Yesterday was Uncle Mark's birthday so he and Auntie Lisa came over for pizza. wine, deep fried mars bars (see below!) and wiiiiiiiiii playing! James very kindly *helped* uncle Mark open his presents! (He made the birthday sign and balloons too).

A Scottish tradition ... Deep Fried Mars Bars (a chocolate bar a bit like a milky way or twix bar for our American audience))

Don't blame the English ... it's a Scottish thing!! And now that Uncle Mark is married to Scottish Auntie Lisa it just had to be done! Although, to be fair I think it was Uncle Mark who wanted it as a special treat on his birthday! This is Mark putting the Mars bars (coated in batter) into the deep fat frier...

Into the deep fat fryer ....

They taste better than they look ...

It shouldn't work ... but it does! ;0)

James LOVES his finger paints!

The problem with finger paints is that you have to be careful where you put your fingers ...

Bekah had a "boredom bag" to p lay with while her bro did the painting ...

Crawling lesson from Grandad ...

We were over at Grandad and Grandma's house at the weekend and so Grandad gave Bekah some crawling tips! She really seemed to get the hang of it and so I'm going to count Feb 15th as her first proper crawl. Thanks, Grandad - you're obviously an expert on all fours!!! ;0)

And off she goes ...

There's just so much more floor space at Grandma and Grandad's house
that Bekah could really go wild! She's not done a whole load of crawling since then but she is doing it more and more.

Now for some walking lessons ...

The question is who taught who to poke their tongue out?!!

All that crawling is thirsty work!

Playing with some retro toys and puzzles ....

Grandma and Grandad are sorting out their loft and so they'd found a whole load of old toys and puzzles. James (and Bekah!) had fun playing with them with Grandma.

Playing with Auntie Caroline's popoids ....

"A-ha! This is handy for pulling myself up ... oh, it's Grandad's legs!!"