Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bekah's new walker/ride-on toy arrived today ...

just after we got back from dropping James off at pre-school and so we got some quality playtime without big brother around. She seems to absolutely love it! It was fun watching her explore and get so excited.

Before I'd even put it together she'd climbed on and was exploring.

Looking scarily like Grandad Green!!!! ;0)

"Check out my wheels!!!"

She loved it! ;0)

Fiddly flower petals!!! So many things to play with and explore ...

She was very determined to climb-on ... and off ...

She almost tied her legs in knots doing it but ...

Determination pays off!

"Mummy, she's stuck under the table again!!"

This is what I heard earlier when I went to answer the phone ...
This is one of Bekah's favourite places to be at the moment!

"Don't bother me, I'm napping!"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Slippery Little Suckers!

Bekah had a spot of trouble with her carrots tonight ... It happened a few times and I finally thought to go and get the video camera!

Our Big Boy - The Pre-School-er!!

Today James started pre-school. Felt like a big milestone for our little guy! He'll be going 2 afternoons a week to start with. He got on really well and seemed to enjoy it. I was able to sneak out without him getting upset which was really good. He looked so grown-up in his Kilnsea Pre-school sweatshirt and t-shirt!
He's told Dan and I quite a few different, random things about what he did ... not sure how many he actually did but it's been cute to hear:
"I played cars and trains"
"I played outside and then I went inside"
"We sang a song" (He's been singing parts of Hickory Dickory Dock and One Finger, One Thumb this afternoon ...)
"It cost 5p and I used the trolley" (I think he was playing shop!)
When Grandma asked if he'd made any friends he said "Not yet" but when Daddy asked him he said "That orange one was called Tom"
He completely surprised me by NOT having a nap this afternoon and actually being full of energy - I thought he'd be exhausted!
I did get some photos but he kept his eyes closed in ALL of them (he does that quite often these days when he doesn't want his picture taken) and I didn't want to push it but I hope you enjoy them!

Before we left the house ...

He was being really sweet and goofy before we left - he was even posing and saying "cheese" for the camera but I was too slow!

He was surprisingly excited about having his backpack on!

How grown-up does our baby look?!

"Hellooo!!! Any body in there?!"

Can I go in yet, Mum??

Let's hope he's as keen when I take him again on Thursday!

While big brother is away ....

Almost as soon as we were back from dropping James off, Bekah had got her hands on two of James most prized possessions - Thunderbird 3 and the Police land rover and boy was she pleased about it!

Rebekah The "One Girl Wrecking Machine" was here ...

Don't you just love this stage!?

Stickers from Auntie Lin

Auntie Lin sent James some stickers in the post yesterday that she found at work. James had a great time playing with them while Mummy got the dinner ready. Thank you, Auntie Lin!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Uncle Mark's Open Garden Day

One of the gardens where Uncle Mark works had an open garden day for charity today and so we went along with Auntie Lisa. Christine, Benjamin and Simeon came too. It was gorgeous weather and the gardens were lovely - especially the bluebell woods. Mark did a great job of showing us round. We had a great time!

James leads the way to the bluebells

Uncle Mark with two arms full of trouble!

This pair are so cute together ...

The bluebells were amazing! I'd like this for my back garden!!!

Not a bad little house ....

Time for a snack ...

The grown-ups had tea and/or cake!

Not a bad view ...

This photo didn't come out too well but you could see Maidenhead in the distance, Royal Ascot race course to the right and Windsor Castle to the left ...

The blossom was so pretty

Bekah checking out the formal pond

Uncle Mark and his little nephew at one of the ponds

Looking at tadpoles in one of the ponds

James really enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Mark! Thank you, Uncle Mark and Auntie Lisa for all your help!

Time for a pub lunch!

Afterwards we decided to stop for lunch at a pub in Cookham. We sat outside in the glorious sunshine!

Time for a swim!

Auntie Lin bought Rebekah this cute swimming costume/bathing suit last weekend and so we finally got round to taking Rebekah swimming for the first time on Saturday. It was the first time we've been since coming back to England and we all really enjoyed it. Rebekah seemed to like being in the water and James LOVED it - especially the slide into the water. We were really surprised just how much he loved it. We're going to try and go more regularly. Maybe I'll get some pictures of the kids in the pool next time.
[Do you like the model pose in the first picture??? Hope she's not planning on being a swimsuit model ..... ;0) ]

Three sleeping beauties ...

I came home from shopping the other day to find these 3 sleepy heads sitting in front of the TV - Dan was only dozing but the other 2 were fast asleep. It looked really cute!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wellington Country Park with Grandma and Grandad

On Wednesday we went to Wellington Country Park with Grandma and Grandad as they both had the day off work. The weather turned out to be really nice and so we had another lovely afternoon exploring! ;0)

This was one BIG wheel ....

Playing in the sand by the lake