Today James started pre-school. Felt like a big milestone for our little guy! He'll be going 2 afternoons a week to start with. He got on really well and seemed to enjoy it. I was able to sneak out without him getting upset which was really good. He looked so grown-up in his Kilnsea Pre-school sweatshirt and t-shirt!
He's told Dan and I quite a few different, random things about what he did ... not sure how many he actually did but it's been cute to hear:
"I played cars and trains"
"I played outside and then I went inside"
"We sang a song" (He's been singing parts of Hickory Dickory Dock and One Finger, One Thumb this afternoon ...)
"It cost 5p and I used the trolley" (I think he was playing shop!)
When Grandma asked if he'd made any friends he said "Not yet" but when Daddy asked him he said "That orange one was called Tom"
He completely surprised me by NOT having a nap this afternoon and actually being full of energy - I thought he'd be exhausted!
I did get some photos but he kept his eyes closed in ALL of them (he does that quite often these days when he doesn't want his picture taken) and I didn't want to push it but I hope you enjoy them!