Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our seasoned traveller returns home!!!

Here James is at Heathrow airport (new terminal 5!) - for a little person who is not yet 3 he travels like a pro!!!! Even though I was exhausted from the journey I had to stop and take this photo as the sight of him marching along with his little suitcase really made me smile. ;0)

We had a wonderful couple of weeks and I am now FINALLY all caught up with California photos ... I am now seriously behind on what we've been up to since we got back!!!

Playing with Auntie Donna

Auntie Donna got James some play-doh to keep him amused ... and it certainly did the trick!! Thank you!!!

Random foot photo ...

Playing with Aiden and Keagan

We went to Livermore to catch up with the Ott family. I'm annoyed because most of my photos of the evening didn't come out - think I had the camera on a funny setting ... unless it was sabotage ... I know Devon's always been jealous of my superior blog photo-taking abilities ... ;0)
It was nice to spend some extra time with them. And Devon even waxed my eyebrows for me!!! ;0) I miss that!!!!

"Wow!! Look at this one!!"

Keagan shows off his six-pack! ;0)

"And this is how you take a better photo than your Mummy for blog pictures ..."

Devon gives Bekah some blog tips ... ;0)

What funny faces!

Swimming in Keith's Pool ...

We also got to visit Dan's old boss and family who live in Livermore too. Dan and James braved the cold water in Keith's pool for a swim!

Bekah was quite taken with the bunny (and the pit bull dogs!!)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Discovery Kingdom (formerly known at Six Flags Marine World!) with the Johnson family and Auntie Karen!

We had a brilliant day and the million photos prove it!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! ;0)

Nothing like starting the day on a sugar high!

We had Krispy Kreme donuts on the way there in the car ... mmmmmmmm

Hayley and James in the back of the car while we all got suntan lotion-ed up!

The Dad's and their sons were keen to get into the park ...

First stop of the day was to see the killer whale!

"When's it going to start?! When's it going to start?!"

Looks like someone is excited!!

Transfixed by the show ...

"Where did that big fish go???"

There it is!!!

Bekah gives a round of applause!

Three cheeky monkeys after the show!

Watching the dolphins ...

I really love this photo!

The balloon ride was the first ride of the day!

James looked a bit green when he came off this one ... it was very spinny!

Rebekah and Auntie Karen

Hayley really wanted to take James on the submarine ride ... he was too short to go on it by himself so Mummy and Daddy got to go too!

I think this was James' favourite ride - it's the one he talked about most afterwards!