Friday, July 31, 2009

A trip to the Museum of Reading!

Today we decided to go to the Museum of Reading in the town centre (downtown ...). Mummy's friend, Catherine, had told her about it last night in the pub! Thanks for the tip, Catherine! James and Bekah really enjoyed it - and it was free!!!

We found the badger!

There was a kind of treasure hunt that James could do. He was given a sheet with some pictures of various artifacts around the museum that he had to find.

Making brick patterns ...

Apparently Reading is "famous" for it's brick work .... who knew?!?!?

Being inspired by a Roman mosaic ...

James got to make his own mosaic - and he got to do it sitting opposite an actual Roman mosaic ... what a brilliant idea!

Time for a spot of colouring ...

Bekah liked the biscuit tins ....

Reading used to be home to a famous biscuit (cookie ...) factory ... maybe that's why we all have such a weakness for biscuits!!!

This is what school was like for Grandad!!

James tries out a Victorian school desk ...

James' favourite thing about the museum?? This tiny (and rather random) fire engine/truck ...

This was the first thing he told Daddy about when he got home from work! ;0)

A day out to Beale Park

Now that Mummy can drive again we went for a day trip to Beale Park this week with Grandma, Auntie Sarah and Kezia. We had a really lovely day!

Team work in action ...

James: "Kezia, you keep the crocodile talking while I jump on the back!!"
Kezia: "Oh, what pretty teeth you have!!" ....

"We're on!! Now don't let go!!"

Playing in the sand ...

This photo sums up what it was like trying to get a photo of all 3 kids ...

Kezia is just leaving the shot to the left ... James is just leaving to the right ... Bekah is nowhere to be seen and Grandma is in the middle!!!

I love moments like this ...

Tunnel vision

All 3 grandkids had so much fun chasing Grandma around the park (or was it the other way around?!?)

Days out like this are what being back in the country are all about! ;0)

Safari/Jungle week!

I decided this week we were going to have another theme ... and so we started the week by making binoculars ...

Once the binoculars were done I gave James a map and told him we were going to go on safari to look for animals ...

(He's been watching Dora The Explorer lately and keeps talking about maps!)

James discovered all sorts of animals using his binoculars ...

There were gorillas at the top of the tree (we had to get them down with bananas), there were lions in the bush (we had to get them out with pears ....), there was a baby snake looking for his mummy ... This has been the best part about jungle/safari week! James' imagination has just run wild with the animals he's been able to see. Most of the other craft projects we've done he really hasn't been that bothered about but going on safari? Yep, he seems to have enjoyed that most. ;0)

Bekah found a dinosaur! Didn't realize this was going to be an archealogical dig too ...

Bekah cooks up some safari grub ...

A lion crumble for pudding!

This is another Big Cook Little Cook recipe and was very yummy! We also had an Elephant pudding earlier in the week. Mummy enjoyed making it even though James lost interest very quickly ... which has been about par for the course for this jungle/safari week really! I guess animals just AREN't cars! [sigh]

Visiting second cousin (twice removed or something!) Ewan!

Last weekend Bekah and Mummy went to spend the afternoon with Mummy's cousin, his wife and their son, Ewan (who is 1 month older than Bekah). Auntie Sarah, Uncle Tris and Kezia were there too. It was a lovely afternoon! Ewan is so sweet - he even seemed to like posing for the camera!

Crazy British summer weather ... all these photos were taken on the SAME day!

In their wet weather gear (we got them both some waterproof trousers ...)

A few hours later ...

I don't miss the really hot California days ... but I do miss knowing whether I need to wear shorts or rain coats .... !!!!!!! ;0)

A family that eats corn on the cob together stays together! ;0)

Bekah had corn on the cob the other night and seemed to REALLY enjoy it! Very cute to watch all 3 of my favourite people munching .... I had to stop mid-dinner to take a photo - it was a "kodak moment"!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mega Car Week!

Although every week is car week in this house I decided to have a MEGA car week this week. This was mainly due to the fact that I had my UK driving test on Wednesday so I was feeling a bit car obsessed myself! (I passed!) Both kids have had colds this week and the weather has been all over the place and so we didn't get out much. The car projects helped pass the time.

Our first project was a hit!

We made this car road scene using some pictures cut out of his car magazines. When I told him we were going to make a road he got really excited. We coloured the houses. We stuck on the road. I was just about to get the car pictures when he disappeared and came back with an armful of his toy cars to play with on the road and park between the houses! I didn't see that coming!! Really made me chuckle. He played that way for ages before I told him about sticking on the cars. He's enjoyed playing with this all week.

Some projects weren't quite so successful ... we tried to make a car out of a tissue box ...

But it didn't stick together very well and James was clearly unimpressed with the whole thing ... I was trying to stick the wheels on with tape and he said "I've had enough now. Can I get down?" ... oh well, you win some, you lose some ...

Handbag/purse model walking the runway ...

I got Bekah a really sweet outfit this week that came with a matching handbag. I gave the handbag to her while James was busy doing "boy stuff" and she loved walking around with it. She really looked like she was strutting up and down a cat walk for a while! ;0) Watch this space for photos of her in the whole ensemble!

Getting used to hair accessories

Bekah's hair is now getting long enough that it gets in her eyes so I've been trying to clip it back more ... only it never stays in for long!

We've made lots of chalk race tracks and car parks this week ...

How can our son remember that this non-descript silver car is a "Nissan Fairlady Z" ... and not remember he shouldn't push his little sister?!?!?!

(It had been one of 'those' days the day I took this picture!)

Maybe this car is more memorable because it has a yacht ...?

James put it on the boat and said it was on holiday ... ;0)

Cars stickers picture

Auntie Sarah got James these stickers the other week and he really enjoyed doing this picture. We're going to put the picture on his bedroom wall. Thanks, Auntie Sarah!

Bekah enjoyed her farm animal stickers again ...

She was really sweet because when I said we were going to do stickers she marched to the cupboard where we keep the aprons and insisted on wearing James' Thomas the tank engine one ... very cute.

Painting a little model of Lightening Mcqueen

James LOVES painting these model things - we haven't done one for a while and so I think he really enjoyed it.

Playing cars in the garden with Daddy once the rain stopped!

Everyone had a great time!