Tuesday, April 27, 2010

James The Cowboy ...

A week or so ago James kept randomly bursting into this cowboy song and dance! He went a bit shy when I pulled out the camera so it's not quite as exuberant as it was to start with! Still have no idea where he picked it up from - maybe it's his American roots coming out?!?!

A bit of Bekah ...

A random bit of video of Bekah ... you can hear how well her speech is coming on. And I'm guessing our American audience will think she sounds really British! ;0)

A family outing to Bucklebury Farm!

This was Bekah on our way TO the farm! ;0)

First stop - TRACTORS!!!!

I've got a lovely combine 'arvester ... and I'll give you the key!

Bucklebury Farm has a really great playground!

On one of the little ride-on tractors

Time to feed the animals (Daddy is responsible for this side of their education ... Mummy's not going to do it!!)

I know it looks like Daddy is feeding Bekah to the donkey in this one but he really wasn't ... honest!

Bekah had a little lamb ... it's fleece was white as snow ...

There were quite a few lambs and Bekah thought their bleating was really funny to start with ... then one got right in her face and bleated REALLY LOUDLY and totally freaked her out!

Daddy trying to reassure her that they're not scary really

Bekah was a bit wary after that ...

I found something muckier than our kids!!! ;0)

Bekah liked the pigs ... she was really interested in their 'houses' ...
Bekah: What's that thing?
Mummy: It's a pig sty... It's where the pigs sleep.
Bekah: [looking puzzled] Where's pillow gone?!
Mummy: Well, they make a pillow out of the hay ...
Bekah: Oh. Where's James gone?

Climbing the hill ...

The top of the hill was the perfect place for a family portrait!

We found a camp building area in the woods ... a perfect place for a rest and a drink!

We even got to see our first bluebells of the season ...

Oh dear / deer .... Time for the tractor trailer ride to see the deer ...

Time for lunch ...

On the BIG slide ... Lost count of how many times Daddy went on this one - both James and Bekah loved this!