Sunday, October 30, 2011

Time for a catch-up ....

Been behind on uploading photos to the blog again so here are a few from the last couple of months! :0)

Pumpkin Party ... Spot the odd one out .... :0)

Bekah and I carved pumpkins today (James wasn't interested this year). It was good fun and I think they turned out ok! :0)

Carving ....

She said this one was sad because he needed friend (which is why the second one was happy!) ...

"He wants a friend, Mummy"

Our little Tinkerbelll ...

Bekah is all about Tinkerbell at the moment and so partly for Halloween (although we have no place to go! :0( ) and partly because she loves dressing up at the moment, I made her this little Tinkerbell outfit. It's got bells on it so she makes a tinkling sound when she moves :0) She really wants Pixie Dust too ...

"Mummy, where's my magnifying glass? I want to spy on Daddy ..." Presumably why she'd picked such an inconspicous outfit ....

Rebekah has been loving the dressing up box just recently ... :0)

James and his numbers ...

James is showing more and more interest in numbers, adding and subtracting. He had some homework and developed it a bit to make his own number cards, and then count out the number of bricks for each card.

James and his new best buddy, William!

This is James with his new school friend, William. They are so sweet together and rather conveniently he lives directly across the street from us, and his Mum is really nice too! Everyone's happy! We went to the Lookout Woods with them this half term and so we had to get a photo of them togeher. :0)

Must've been taking too long because all of a sudden I heard a little voice "Mummy, take a photo of me ...."

And then she decided to work the camera with a few more poses .... what is she like?!

Half term trip to Windsor to see the Changing of the Guard with Kezia

Bekah and Mummy's Very Hungry Caterpillar ... quite impressive we thought! :0)

Westonbirt Arboretum with Grandma and Grandad

Bekah decided to sit on the tree trunk I was trying to take an arty shot of ...

Grandma's Birthday Picnic at California Country Park ... wasn't really picnic weather but we did it anyway! :0)

James' Lego Birthday Cake

James didn't want a party and so we just invited Peter (one of his good friends) and Kezia round for some birthday cake the day before his birthday. On his actual birthday we went to Legoland. Seems a long time ago ...

A few snaps from Legoland on James' birthday ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

James' First Day of School!

James started school today. He looked so grown up and we were really proud of him. He did really well and seems to want to go back ... so far so good! ;0)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Messy painting with Bekah ...

Bekah and I spent some quality time doing messy painting the other morning - we both had a FAB time! :0) And the artwork was rather impressive too ...

The concentration ... making sure every last bit of her hand was covered in paint ...

Part smurf?

Bekah doing her excited dance before we got started :0)

I think she enjoyed washing the paint off almost as much as the painting itself

Blackberry picking with Zoe and Julian at the woods near their house!

Became a bit of a boys v. girls blackberry picking contest ... and it goes without saying that the GIRLS WON!!! Boys said they were going for quality, rather than quantity ... either way the blackberry crumble we had the next day was yummy!