Noticed the other day when Bekah was using scissors to cut the play doh she was opening her mouth when the scissors were open and closing her mouth when the scissors closed ... looked really cute. :0)
There's an old Peacock story about a little boy (let's call him ... DADDY) who drove his Mum (let's call her NANNY) crazy complaining he was bored ... So she took him out to spend his pocket money on a new hobby ... and he bought art straws .... Let's just say it wasn't a success .... Fast forward 30 years .... a loving wife (let's call her MUMMY) bought a wonderful husband (let's call him DADDY) a set of art straws for Christmas ... so far he hasn't made anything with them ... but there's another little boy (let's call him JAMES) who has made LOTS of things and throughly enjoyed it! Is there a moral to this tale .... I'll let you decide! ;0)
The munchkins have been wanting to go out on their bikes more and more so a few weeks ago (after a stressful morning!) we went on our biggest bike adventure yet! Over to the river, stopping at the playground. It was brilliant - the best outdoor adventure we've had for ages! :0)
A few weeks ago while I was doing my hoovering Bekah got her hoover out to help ... After a few minutes she threw herself down on her bean bag and said in a dramatic way "I'm relaxing!" ... :0)
I took the munchkins to shopping independently to pick out a present for their brother/sister ... Bekah picked out monster trucks for James ... James picked out a toy iron for Bekah ... not really sure what this says! But they were both really sweet. :0)