Monday, March 28, 2011

A big girl's bike for Bekah!

Today I picked up a big girl's bike I bought second-hand from a friend. We had vague ideas of keeping it for her birthday ... but that didn't happen. She is soooooooooo excited about it. It's really sweet. When James got home from pre-school we took it for a test run to their friend Peter's house and it was just FAB! Thanks, Emma and Rachel for the bike!

Bekah is VERY happy with her cool new bike!

I've lost count of how many times I've heard ... "I'm very pleased with my cool bike, Mummy!" :0)

Playing in the garden with Kezia

Team Browning came to church with us yeserday, and then for lunch and a play. We had a lovely afternoon in the garden. :0)

Bekah begins her Grand Prix career ...

Long after they'd finished playing on the bikes the helmets were still on! :0)

Now we're getting some sunshine we decided to get out the soapy water and wash all the garden toys!

James and Grandad gardenining ...

Forgot to post these the other week ... A few weeks ago Grandad made James his very own gardening box/green house-type thing. James is sooo pleased with it! He's growing strawberries, lettuce, carrots, sprouts and broad beans. He's also growing runner beans, raspberries and blackberries and daffodils elsewhere in the garden. Thanks, Grandad for encouraging our little Mr Green Fingers! :0)

Friday, March 18, 2011

A picnic on "the hills" ...

A couple of weeks ago (while James was at pre-school) Bekah and I decided to go for a picnic... she wasn't interested in going anywhere new or exotic ... she just wanted to go to "the hills" a little green patch of grass surrounded by houses that we walk past to get to pre-school and church - so that's where we went! :0)

Bekah loves putting hula hoops (a type of chip for my American audience!) on her fingers

Cress heads...

The Munchkins and I grew some cress recently and the other day we gave our Cress Heads a hair cut. Then we made egg and cress sandwiches for our lunch and although it may sound a bit bizarre I really enjoyed the whole experience. :0) They both seemed to get really into it.

Mummy's Little Helper ...

"Houston, wiiiii have a problem ... " :0)

Daddy finally has the Wii Companion he has always longed for! :0) James recently became interested in watching Daddy play Mario ... and it wasn't long before he was playing too and is getting pretty good. I must confess it is pretty sweet to watch.

They also want to play "pretend Mario" alot too ... which basically involves setting up obstacle courses round the living room! :0)

Hopefully Auntie Caroline won't mind too much when she sees how her neice and nephew are using the cushions and draft exluder she made ... Think it's a testament to how robust Diamond Ideas' products are! :0)

Exploring Windsor Great Park ...

The kids wanted to bring their binoculars and James insisted on wearing his "cowboy" hat ... he's become quite attached to it! (James took the photo of Bekah and Mummy and Bekah took the last picture of her bro!)

Potato Print Painting ...

ending, as always in Bekah Print Painting ...

Milestones Museum with Nanny and Grandad

Back in February Nanny and Grandad came to stay for the weekend. One of the things we did was visit a museum in Basingstoke - a place we'd never been before. One of the best things was the opportunity to dress up in period costume ... and surprisingly James got TOTALLY into it! ... And so did Daddy! :0)