Saturday, May 26, 2012

James' first PROPER football

James has been showing a little bit more interest in football lately. Today he went out with Grandad for the morning to explore a park Grandad used to play at when he was little (I forgot to ask if there was an archaeological  dig going on ...)  They had fun exploring and Grandad surprised James with his first proper football.  :0)

I think he looks really young here .... James, that is .... ;0) 

First go in the paddling pool this year ... :0)

Pretending to be a wizard but looking more like a tombliboo ... (it's actually a princess bath towel!)

James and William looked really cute when they came out of school with their baseball caps on backwards ....

Of course, Bekah wasn't going to be left out and twisted her sun hat round too ...

My grubby little man :0)

Although it might look like he'd been working down a coal mine for the day ... this is how he came out of school!

Snoozey Bekah

Sleeping Beauty after spending the day with Grandad ...

Eating al fresco

At the start of the week (when the sunny weather had only just arrived) James and Bekah REALLY wanted to eat their dinner outside ...

The babies get new bunk beds (thanks, Grandad!)

Rebekah The Mad Scientist ...

A few weeks ago Bekah and I did some experiments... I did this a while ago with James and I think Bekah enjoyed it just as much.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg-cellent fun ... decorating polystyrene easter eggs ...

James with his creations - their names are Bert and Ernie ...

Bekah decided to go mental with glitter instead ...

Our Easter Tree ...

We've never done it before, but this year Bekah and I decided to make an Easter tree....

Budding author/illustrators ....

James and his friend, William, decided they wanted to write a book together.... They were very sweet. William was doing most of the writing, and James was doing most of the illustrating and they were coming up with the ideas together .... There might be a few issues with copyright and so far it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger ... But watch this space! :0)

I was finally able to persuade James he has outgrown his toddler postman pat scooter and we upgraded to this ...

Fairly typical Bekah ensemble ... fairy dress, tool box, wellies, sunglasses, cuddly toy and crazy hair! :0)

Bekah's Bunchies Breed ...

Bekah has taken to having her hair in multiple bunchies just lately. I'm happy - I don't have to worry about getting a straight parting! :0) And I think she looks cute!