Sunday, February 5, 2012

I'm 100% up-to-date with my blogging!!!! Let's see how long it lasts ...

There's SNOW business, like SNOW business ...

We had some snow overnight (not that much) and so we had chance to go out and play in it today.

We went to meet up with James' friend from school, William, and got to build a snowman too!

William had his sledge, and kindly let James and Bekah have a go ...

Bekah, of course, quickly warmed to the idea that she could just sit down and let someone else do all the hard work of pulling her around .... she definitely needs her own servants ...

I love this action shot of James and William! :0)

Inevitable, this was ... the force is strong with these two ...

Lego lightsabres and quilt Jedi cloaks ... James (and now Bekah) has got really into Star Wars lego since Christmas (thanks to the game on the wii ...) and so we're all about Star Wars in this house at the moment .... marvellous. ;0)

It's given Dan an excuse to get out some of his old Star Wars models ... it's so nice to see them played with rather than just gathering dust!

(Dan wants those who care [....] to know that this is the Battle of Hoth they are re-creating ...)

They've even got to Bekah ...

AND she can do sound effects!!

Finally catching up with the Christmas photos!!! It seems like such a long time ago ...

The boys (with their Christmas hats!)

And the girls ...

The cousins playing Just Dance on the wii - who's got the moves?!

Very cute cousin photos! :0)

(Kezia and Bekah had turned their cardigans into aprons so they could be waitresses)

My little sister wrapped her presents so fancily that I didn't want to open them! :0)

The marble run set from Grandma and Grandad has been a hit too!

Rebekah the hair stylist ...

She loved this hairstyling set from Grandma and Grandad ... and now Mummy doesn't have to go to the hair dressers ....

Indiana Jones and his Grandad ... :0)

Ex-STRAW-donary .... playign with Connecta Straws (see what I did there??)

Bekah bustin' some moves on her wii Just Dance game ... :0)

Looking at the life boat close-up ...

Watching the crazy people go swimming in the freezing cold sea on boxing day (from the comfort of a local cafe!)

Mummy found Bekah's face paints provided an outlet for her artistic skills ...

(and the fact that Bekah will sit still while she does it is an unexpected bonus!)

James was very pleased with his Indianna Jones hat and game for the wii ....

Bekah asked FC for a xylophone (and of course she's played with it every day ... not!)

Christmas PJ's ...

Grandad and James with the Santa Train at Aylesham

Bekah sharing her Christmas Cake baking expertise with Nanny ...

A walk on the Common near Nanny and Grandad's House