Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Uh-oh ... looks like rain!"

After a really sunny couple of weeks we've had some more "changeable" weather over the last few days. It's been really windy and really showery. Yesterday we grabbed a break in the rain to go out and play!

Singing in the rain!

It was fun playing in the shower (it didn't rain too hard) - and Bekah looked so cute!

Waving the stars and stripes ...

It was so windy but since we didn't have kites to fly I remembered we had these flags that would be fun to play with instead ... they both had a great time! Hope I didn't break any rules of how to treat the Star Spangled Banner ...

Happy (British) Mother's Day!!!

It was Mother's Day in England on Sunday (it's not until May in America .... I think we should celebrate again then since our kids are American!!!) and so we drove down to the south coast and went across to the Isle of Wight on a hovercraft. The weather was perfect and we had a BRILLIANT day!!! Thank you to my wonderful little family!!

Bekah on the stoney beach at Southsea before we went across to the Isle of Wight

Watching our hovercraft come in

It was really cool going across on the hovercraft - it only takes about 10 minutes.

The hovercraft whips up a *litttle* bit of wind when it leaves ....

Fisherman James picks out his fishing boat at the harbour ...

James LOVED collecting rocks and shells on the beach. There was so much choice!!!

Bekah knows how to be sun smart ....

Some of the (few) photos I managed to get of Bekah with her very cute, purple sun hat on!

Daddy and James walking towards the sea .... and the smoke!

The tide was right out and so we never made it as far as the sea but James and Daddy did get as far as some of the big pools. There was also this thick black smoke (or "smofe" as James called it to start with ...) on the mainland which we later found out was a fire at a scrapyard.

How many ice-creams, Daddy?!?!?

What's a day on the beach without a 99 ice cream or two?!

SCRUMMY!!! James really enjoyed his ice-cream ...

"Hey! What have you got over there?!?!"

Nothing gets past our nosey little girl!

"Now, THIS looks tasty!!! None of that baby food mush!!"

I love my little munchkins and had a wonderful day on the Isle of Wight!! Thank you for suggesting it, Daddy!!! ;0)

Our little dude ....

The hat says "Boys Make More Noise" ... and he has a t-shirt to match! ;0)

Daddy enjoys buring James in the sand a little TOO much ??

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Miss Pucker Lips ... this is Bekah's latest mouth expression!

I *think* we're going to need a wipe ....

CBEEBIES spring flower!

The CBEEBIES channel (BBC's children's channel) are having this thing at the moment where children colour/decorate flowers and send them in so we decided to do it. We posted/mailed it to the BBC yesterday!

A nice spring-like black ... perfect for a spring flower ... ;0)

A rainbow of pens ...

James isn't normally this organized about things ... he tends to prefer organized chaos! ;0)

The finished flower - look out for it on CBEEBIES!!

Where'd she go this time?!

She was right behind me a second ago!

A very natural nature walk

Yesterday we went for another walk by the lake and collected lots of cool things in James' bucket to look at when we got back!

James discovered that the stones made a really great banging noise on the table ...

Time to make a nature picture ...

This was Bekah's first experience with sticky back plastic/contact paper.

James is a ROCK star ...

Bekah is more of a flower girl ...

All that nature stuff can be exhausting ...

[Bekah looks so long!]

Friday, March 20, 2009

A trip on the train to scout out tourist attractions in Reading!

Yesterday, just for a change I decided to walk to Earley Station (about a 35 minute walk from our house) to get the train to Reading (about a 5 minute train ride). James hasn't been on a "normal train" before so it was fun to go to the station.

Bekah woke up once we got to the station and was full of smiles