Monday, September 21, 2009

Grandma and Grandad take James to see some vintage cars at the Newbury Show!

As expected, James loved the cars and tractors but wasn't too interested in anything else! I love these photos (courtesy of Grandad!) Thank you, Grandma and Grandad!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tea with Kezia!

We went over to Kezia's house on Wednesday afternoon and had a great time playing. The cousins looked so sweet having dinner together.

Birthday present for Bekah!!

The other day Bekah got a parcel from America ... the Johnsons had been searching for the perfect gift for her - and it was! Bekah had just woken up from her nap and was a bit grumpy until she opened the present ... What is it?!?!?

It was a cute little handbag/purse, 2 dolly outfits and 2 dolly bottles!

Bekah LOVED dressing up her baby and feeding her. We haven't done this before and so she really enjoyed doing it - it was a welcome change for Mummy too (not a car in sight ... James was at pre-school!). One outfit was a rainy day one complete with rain coat, rain hat and wellies ... do you think the Johnsons think we live in England or something?!?!? ;0)

So attentive ...

What a great way for her to learn what hard work having a baby is!!! ;0) Just you wait till she needs a nappy/diaper change, my girl!!! ;0)

She thought it was really funny when I put the hat on her!

Thank you, Johnson family!!

I don't know what it is about kids eating spaghetti but it always makes me laugh!

The other night we decided to eat our dinner outside.

I love smiley faces ...

Today has been a rough day with Bekah (aka Miss Cranky Pants) and so these photos are even more special tonight. Wonder if I could turn them into masks to put on the kids when they are having grumpy days .... ;0)

Last week we finally got round to joining the toy library and these are the two toys we picked out

We have to return the toys in 4 weeks ... I'm hoping James gets that part because he really loves the car road!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Santa Pod Raceway

As an early birthday treat we took James (and Rebekah!) to Santa Pod Raceway last weekend to see some drag races/monster trucks/stunt cars. It was quite a manic day (Mummy got overwhelmed by it all - even if the kids didn't!) but we think James enjoyed it. It certainly made a change.

It was REALLY LOUD !!!

We were able to get some "Ear Defenders" for the kids and some ear plugs for us. James didn't like them to start with but when he realized they helped with the noise he was pretty good with them.

Bekah was less keen ....

I ended up just covering her ears with my hands when I could. She did sleep through alot of it though so it can't have bothered her too much.

What a drag ...

This was the best photo I got of a drag car - and I'm amazed I even got this!

Daddy enjoyed the drag races and the jet car but we think it was all over a bit quick for James to really appreciate what was going on ...

5 minute set ups for 6 second races isn't great for a toddler attention span!

We picked a good spot to watch the show in the Action Arena

It gave James time to study the cars in his programme ...

The motorbikes were up first .... LITERALLY!

Bekah LOVED the motorbike stunts!!!! ;0)

She got so excited ... I think it's given our little daredevil some ideas ... not sure what she'll do next time she gets on James' bike!!!!

Bikes in a ball ...

These guys came "all the way from America!" (as we kept being told ... were we supposed to be impressed?!?!? ;0) ) They rode motorbikes inside the ball ... It was probably quite clever - but went on a bit really...

The world's lowest car and the world's smallest car - these are both roadworthy apprently ...

(This one was a wind-up one!)

The crazy stunt car driver

(This was Mummy's favourite part)

Watching the stunts ...

The real Herbie up on two wheels ...

It was pretty funny because they loaded the car up with some of the other drivers - that bloke in the boot (.... guy in the trunk ...) was one of the Monster Truck drivers!

MONSTER TRUCKS!!! This was definitely James' favourite display ...

Watching the parachute jump display at the end of the day