Thursday, January 21, 2010

Today we went on an expedition to find MUDDY PUDDLES ... EVERYBODY LIKES TO JUMP IN MUDDY PUDDLES!! ;0)

"Mummy, we found one!!!"

This particular park is BRILLIANT for muddy puddles!

I love this action shot ... and I love adventures like this!

Playing with remote control cars earlier today

Eagle Eyed Little Sis watching her Big Bro for tips ...

Kind, helpful Big Bro (it does happen sometimes!) shows Little Sis the ropes ...

And they're away!
I do like this little series of photos for the story it tells and the hope it offers ... ;0)

Had quite a successful photo shoot with Bekah recently - I love this look!

A new favourite photo ...

Bekah in her poncho!

Nanny crocheted this funky poncho for Bekah for Christmas. When we tried to put it on her at the time she wasn't too keen ... which I was really sad about as it looks really cute. But she just discovered it the other day and seems quite happy to wear it now - occassionally she gets her thumb hooked in it and gets a bit cross!
James announced that HE wanted to wear a poncho ... I was trying to explain that they were more a girly fashion item when Daddy said "Try telling that to Clint Eastwood!" ... ;0)

Washing day ...

Discovered Bekah playing with her washing machine the other day while James was at pre-school ... Turns out she was washing one of his Monster Trucks ... ;0) Well, I guess they must get VERY DIRTY! ;0)

Our two little cool dudes ...

The other morning James announced he needed his glasses "to see something" (I blame Grandad - that's what he says alot!) ... so I got out their sunglasses. They looked really sweet in their PJ's and sunglasses! [I like the way Bekah is looking up at her big bro in the second photo]

On Sunday afternoon Auntie Sarah, Uncle Tris and Kezia came over and we went for a walk to the lake ...

It was still very cold and quite ice-y in places ... You will notice the conspicous absence of both mummy's in the photo ... That's because they were slipping and sliding all over the place and not brave enough to walk down the steps to this platform! ;0) Well, someone had to take the photo ...

As the light was beginning to fade the geese looked really cool walking across the frozen lake ...

James and Daddy playing Bob games online ...

We were thinking the other day that James really doesn't get much chance to play on the computer (and not just because Mummy hogs it with blogging and facebooking ...) and so Daddy sat down with James the other morning to have a play. It was sweet to watch - especially since James seemed to 'get' the mouse clicking part a bit more.

Little Miss Twiddle Hair ...

This is a sweet little habit Bekah has - to twiddle her hair around her fingers. She mostly does it when she's tired. Bless her.

Our kids really like to be "at one" with the paint ....

Mummy loves it too! ;0)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snooooooww on snnnnoooowww ....

We've had *a bit* of snow here the last week or so (and it looks like there might be more on the way) - not as much as some parts of the country but the most I can remember ever seeing in this country!

... in the bleak midwinter ... NOT so long ago ....

Our California Girl has not been at all sure about this cold white stuff ...

Daddy got a chance to redeem his snowman building skills on Wednesday ...

And I have to say this snowman IS very impressive!! I think he's going to be with us for sometime - he really IS huge!

Daddy's snowman has devleoped a bit of a lean over the last few days ...

Not sure if he's trying to gaze at the stars at night, peer into the kids' bedroom window or is trying to limbo under the washing line!! Either way he's still standing at the moment ... just!

Finding things to do inside ...

Yesterday we decorated these gingerbread men - from a kit Mummy got for Christmas.

Finding a use for all that snow ...

James wanted to play with colour change cars yesterday - the ones that need ice cold water ... It occurred to me that maybe we should use something that we have in bountiful supply at the moment ... SNOW!!! They both spent AGES spooning snow into various cups and containers and mashing it all up ... BRILLIANT!

A new favourite photo ... oh, how I wish this smile never left his face!!! ;0)

Gifts from across the pond ...

The Johnson family sent James and Bekah these cool bath towels with hoods. James' is a frog (and came blind folded ... thanks Sean!! :0) Those who remember our bathroom in the US may remember the frog bath pillow we had on the toilet tank ... It unnerved Sean when he was making use of the facilities and so he blindfolded him with toilet paper!!! So funny - still makes me smile today ... and has obviously scarred Sean for life!)

"where's bekah gone??" has always been a favourite game when getting dry after a bath!