Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Car Boot Sale Bargain!

Last week James and I went to a car boot/trunk sale at the local primary/elementary school. (Kind of like a yard sale but out of a car trunk rather than a yard ...) I really enjoyed the experience as it reminded me of doing that sort of thing when I was little and hunting for the bargains. James, of course, was on the look out for cars but was very thoughtful about every purchase! He got a Land Rover for 30p and some binoculars for 10p but his favourite purchase of the morning was this super dragster for 50p!!! Of course, the lady who sold it to us failed to mention the REALLY LOUD and IRRITATING noise it makes when you press a button .... but it's worth it to see the smile on our little bargain hunters' face! ;0)

A week later we had a brilliant charity shop find too - a bag full of Sylvanian Family furniture ...

Bekah really enjoys playing with Sylvanian Families and so I was really excited when I discovered this bag of furniture in the Hospice Charity Shop. It was a bargain and the money went to helping a good cause - everybody's a winner! ;0)

Photo came out blurry but this is the old fashioned sewing machine table we got - I used to really want this when I was little!!!

"SHHHHHHHH!" Mrs Fox and Mr Bear were sleeping (in seperate beds I hasten to add!)

Hand painting inspired by Cousin Kezia!

Ever since James saw photos of his cousin Kezia doing finger and toe painting on her blog he's been BEGGING me to do the same. Didn't think I could cope with TWO toddlers doing toe painting (that's 20 toes you know!!) so we settled for finger/hand painting instead! We haven't done any painting for ages and it was really good fun!

Our little man LOVES to paint!

(You might not be able to see very well but he has a piece of paper COMPLETELY covered in red paint here!)

Bekah was surprisingly hestitant to get her hands paint-y to start with ...

She soon warmed up to the idea though ...

Monday, May 3, 2010

We went to Rushalls Farm on Saturday with Grandma and Grandad to go on a bluebell walk. It was brilliant!

The bluebells looked beautiful!

Our cool dude in the woods ...

Smiley Bekah had LOTS of fun playing with Grandad ...

Daddy and Bekah on a log

Grandad and James take a break ...

Bekah has a "Toddler Moment" ....

About half way through our lovely walk Bekah suddenly got the grumps ... Not sure what brought it on ... but she sat down with a great big frown/pout and refused to budge. Her answer to everything was "no." She kept shuffling up the bank in the opposite direction to which we were headed ... she is sooooooooooooo contrary sometimes. Don't know WHERE she gets it from!!!

This is one of Grandma's photos ...

Where does she get these expressions from?!?

"Me sad."

I think maybe she should be on the stage ....

Once Mummy had taken a zillion photos (because she cares ...) she tried to talk her little girl out of the grumps!

She cheered up a bit with Daddy ...

Having a rest on a log so the kids could play with sawdust ...

Trust James to find something car-related in a bluebell wood ...

It was a great place to look for bugs and other interesting things!

Best find of the day? A frog/toad (not sure how you know which it is ... without asking it!)

Mummy found it under a bit of bark - it was pretty cool to see close-up. And we managed to stop Bekah from squishing it .... ;0)

Bekah found a horseshoe track ...

Any one else concerned that they have the map upside down .... ?

James went MENTAL in a muddy puddle on our way back!!!

Grandma and Bekah enjoyed the muddy puddles too!

These photos were taken a week or so ago when we spent a sunny afternoon with Grandad in his back garden ....

Grandad = Cookies .... as far as the munckins are concerned anyway! ;0)

A real cowboy needs a real cowboy hat! ;0)

Grandad managed to get this great photo of James wearing Grandad's real cowboy hat he bought on his first trip out to America!