Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Berkshire 4x4 Show with Grandma and Grandad ...

For Father's Day we got Grandad tickets to a local 4x4 show and we went a couple of weeks ago.

There were loads of 4x4s to look at ... including this converted mini!

There was a special Monster Truck you could ride on ... we didn't do it this year but maybe next year??

Mummy liked the purple monster truck best!

Never seen Grandad this smiley near the American flag before! :0)

Grandad gets in trouble with the police ... but Daddy bails him out ...

They really liked getting inside the police van ...

Bekah was worryingly interested in what it was like in the back of a police car ...

James generally prefers 4 wheeled machines but he was happy to try out this emergency motorbike ...

They also had a little motorbike to sit on ...

Biker chick .... a glimpse of the future??

James was dead chuffed (and Grandma was relieved) when his lucky dip present turned out to be this camoflage army van ...

and the fact that it matched his shirt was a double-bonus!

Ice cream time! :0)

Getting ready to watch the stunt show with Grandma

Watching the slightly bizarre fire stunt show ... you can't really see it from these pics but he ended up in sparkly gold underpants ....

The Monster Truck show at the end of the day ...

Bekah did NOT like how noisy the monster trucks where!

She didn't really get too upset but she snuggled up to Grandma and covered her ears the whole time. :0)

James LOVES cars!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fruit picking with Auntie Cat!

Auntie Cat came down to stay last weekend and so we had a great time with her, Uncle Mark and Auntie Lisa. On Friday the munchkins and I had her all to ourselves and so we decided to check out a pick-your-own farm that we'd never been to before. The kids really enjoyed it and Mummy was very grateful to have Auntie Cat's expertise!

Strawberries first!!!

On to the rasberries!

Checking out the harvest ...

A family that wii's together .... :0)

We had a brilliant weekend with Auntie Cat, Uncle Mark and Auntie Lisa!

Open Day at Caversham Court by the River Thames ...

A week or two we went to investigate a place called Caversham Court near to where Grandma and Grandad live. It's just supposed to be a pretty place next to the River but on the day we finally got round to going it turned out to be a special Open Day with lots of free activities for the kids to enjoy. Even came away with some free t-shirts for the munchkins!

James loved this tunnel maze ...

Bekah enjoyed the tennis ...

Grandma and Grandad enjoying the fun!

Sitting on a deck chair by the River Thames (photo by James!)

Say "cheese"!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Seal slippers from Nanny and Grandad ...

When we saw Nanny and Grandad the other weekend they gave Bekah these seal slippers from their holiday to Scotland. She really loves them, although she keeps calling them her MEAL slippers ....

Here she was talking to them ....

James thought I should take a photo of Rebekah's bear, Chuckles too ...

Even the cars get a story in this house ...

Overheard Bekah telling the cars to listen to the story ... Made me smile that she'd picked outa car book ... not sure if that was deliberate! :0)