Sunday, September 26, 2010

James' Birthday Weekend!

We've had a CAR crazy birthday weekend for our little man - we did lots of fun stuff and there are lots more photos to come ....

A Day out to Beaulieu - The National Motor Museum ... we had a great day out seeing lots more cars!

This was on the monorail which went round the park and through the museum.

The James Bond exhibit ...

There were lots of cars and gadgets from the James Bond movies....

The Top Gear Exhibit ...

There were lots of the "modified" cars from the shows ...

The car with 2 fronts ...

The car with the bowling alley ...

The squished reasonable priced car ... the likes of Hugh Grant and Jamie Oliver drove in this ...

My favourite was seeing the REALLY long limosine!

*All* the kids had fun in the playground ...

Four year olds definitely look a bit big in these little cars ...

We had a tour in an open top bus ...

Into the proper museum ... AKA Car Heaven ...

The Cadbury's Creme Egg Car ... this one's for you, Uncle Kev! :0)

Uncle Kev has a Cadbury's Creme Egg car in his box of cars that James plays with when we're up in Norfolk so he was delighted to see a life-size one!

The Pea Car!

Some old classics and some more modern classics ...

Bekah thought this would be a good car for her Baby

James and Daddy had a great time checking off loads of cars in James' Eye Spy Classic Cars book (from Auntie Lin)

Bekah found other ways to pass the time ... :0)

James was particuarly excited to see the Bluebird ... which was the fastest car in the world ...

We thought Uncle Tris and Uncle Adrian would like this car ... they love maps!

The munchkins in front of Grandad Peacock's favourite car .. the Jaguar E-type ...

Bekah has a new dog to care for ... Meet Spotty Dog ...bought from the car museum gift shop!

She can even take this one for a walk ... again, I find myself thinking it really wouldn't be fair to get a real one!

Grandma's Birthday too!

Yesterday was Grandma's birthday and so we had a little birthday tea party today to celebrate. James got to blow out the candles on a chocolate cake Grandma had made and then helped Grandma blow out the candles on her cake.

Grandma made these little cakes which were a hit!

What's a party without balloons??

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Great Conker Hunt ...

On Friday we decided to go on a Conker Hunt. It's still a little bit early but we went back to a place we found last year and found quite a few. It was lovely blue sky, with a slight chill in the air - soooo nice to be outside instead of packing boxes! (and yes, Bekah is wearing a ballerina skirt ...) :0)

Time to hunt ...

James and some of his conkers ...