Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Messy painting with Bekah ...

Bekah and I spent some quality time doing messy painting the other morning - we both had a FAB time! :0) And the artwork was rather impressive too ...

The concentration ... making sure every last bit of her hand was covered in paint ...

Part smurf?

Bekah doing her excited dance before we got started :0)

I think she enjoyed washing the paint off almost as much as the painting itself

Blackberry picking with Zoe and Julian at the woods near their house!

Became a bit of a boys v. girls blackberry picking contest ... and it goes without saying that the GIRLS WON!!! Boys said they were going for quality, rather than quantity ... either way the blackberry crumble we had the next day was yummy!

Bekah and Auntie Zoe deciding whether to make use of their wellies in this muddy puddle ...

No prizes for guessing who DID make use of her wellies ... :0) Although, Auntie Zoe did say that wearing wellies made her more confident! :0)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Auntie Caroline and Uncle Adrian's Great Kayaking Adventure - all for a great cause!

We are VERY proud of Auntie Caroline and Uncle Adrian. They have just finished day 2 of their sponsored kayaking trip to raise money and awarenes of Aplastic Anaemia. If you'd like to support them too please visit their justgiving page here​fieldgreen or support them by giving blood. We took them to their starting point on Day 2 and so got to see them in action and wave them off.

James and Bekah got to try it out (thankfully on dry land!)

They're in ...

And away they go ...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Our new HALF PRICE paddling pool! (the Bob the Builder one got damaged when we moved ...)

The heady heights of the Sunflower Competition ...

Since Grandma and Grandad were in the process of moving earlier in the year we ended up hosting the Great Sunflower Competition.

James just about won this year, although Kezia's came pretty close in the end... There was some evidence of tampering but we don't *think* it was intentional! :0) When James was watering them last week he had his hard hat on ... better to be safe than sorry when watering something soo tall I suppose! :0)

Like father, like son ....

James is really into his lego building at the moment. He mostly still uses the duplo blocks but every now and then he decides to get the little lego out.

A new place to get ready for bed ...

The other night for some unknown reason James thought it would be really funny to stand in his washing basket/linen hamper and take his clothes off to get ready for bed .... Bekah thought it was HILARIOUS and within seconds she ran to her room to do the same thing! :0) Didn't get a photo of James but managed to get one of our little Copy Cat. It was funny to watch them. :0)

Friday, August 5, 2011

James is officially NOT a pre-schooler any more ...

He had his last day in July ... he'll be going to Big School in September!

James' first day of pre-school ...

And his last day ...

A petting zoo came to pre-school on the last day ...

Since I was helping on the last day I managed to get a few photos. There were snakes, tortoises, albino hedgehogs and even a non-smelly skunk. James and Bekah were happy to touch them all (I just didn't get a decent photo of James)


Bekah seemed to really like the spiders!

James' first graduation ...

Getting his certificate and Kilnsea pre-school mug.

(you can see Bekah marching up to get hers ... she couldn't understand why her name was not called ...)

With Auntie Sharon (their key worker)

James' First Book ...

One of James' new favourite things to do is to make up stories and he wants me to write them down for him. So a week or two ago I suggested we turn one of them into a proper book. He dictated the stories and then he did the illustrations ... Look out for this in your local bookshop ...

First Harvest ... check out the size of James' strawberries!

This was a while ago but we've had some other things too, like carrots and broad beans. The tomatoes are just about ready now.

Team Mario on Daddy's Birthday ...

Our two little Americans celebrating their independence ...

Bekah the Dancer ...

Before the end of term I took Bekah to a couple of dance classes ... She LOVED the first one but was in a funny mood for the second lesson. I'm hoping after the summer she will be keen again but we'll see.

Hula girl ... she's getting really good at this!

Bekah's 3rd Birthday Party

For those that missed Bekah's party photos on facebook ...

It be a Pirate Party!

Captain Bekah's best pirate pose!

Ahoy there!

Took me ages to grow the goatee ...

Move over Captain Jack Sparrow ... there's a new captain in town!

Crazy Pirate Grandad ...