Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg-cellent fun ... decorating polystyrene easter eggs ...

James with his creations - their names are Bert and Ernie ...

Bekah decided to go mental with glitter instead ...

Our Easter Tree ...

We've never done it before, but this year Bekah and I decided to make an Easter tree....

Budding author/illustrators ....

James and his friend, William, decided they wanted to write a book together.... They were very sweet. William was doing most of the writing, and James was doing most of the illustrating and they were coming up with the ideas together .... There might be a few issues with copyright and so far it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger ... But watch this space! :0)

I was finally able to persuade James he has outgrown his toddler postman pat scooter and we upgraded to this ...

Fairly typical Bekah ensemble ... fairy dress, tool box, wellies, sunglasses, cuddly toy and crazy hair! :0)

Bekah's Bunchies Breed ...

Bekah has taken to having her hair in multiple bunchies just lately. I'm happy - I don't have to worry about getting a straight parting! :0) And I think she looks cute!

James really made Bekah and I laugh when he wandered into the lounge looking like this! :0)

Daffodil days

Rebekah has been more interested in flowers and gardening this year so Grandad has made her a little patch in our back garden so she can grow some things. She wanted to grow strawberries and raspberries. This is her just digging when the daffodils where at their best.

A day at the beach ... at home ...

Since we had James our mother's day tradition has become to go to the beach. This year, partly because none of us had been very well, and partly because Daddy had soooooooo much work to do with his teacher training, we decided we wouldn't be able to to go to the beach this year.... so we brought the beach to us instead and turned the lounge into a beach. It was lots of fun and I'm lucky that Mother's Day is in May in America so I get TWO! Hopefully we'll be able to go to the REAL beach then. :0)

See, they do love each other really ...

We even had ice cream in a cone :0)

Row, row, row your boat ....

Like father, like son ... James' number obsession continues ...

He can now do quite complicated things that Mummy is having trouble keeping up with ...

A walk in the woods

Grandma and Grandad looked after James and Rebekah a couple of weeks ago and they ended up going for a walk in the woods near their old house. James didn't have a jacket so he borrowed Grandad's multiple-pocket one!

James and Rebekah relaxing in Grandma and Grandad's garden ...

Cute photo of Rebekah and Kezia at Grandma and Grandad's house