Thursday, August 27, 2009

Picnic with Kezia at Forbury Gardens

Today we met Auntie Sarah and Kezia in town and ended up having an impromptu picnic at Forbury Gardens. It was really cool to watch the cousins playing and exploring together.

We stopped at the playground on the way back to give Mummy heart failure ...

I lost count of how many times they went down the slide!
(And I was alright really ... after the first time ...)

Cute sleepy photo ...

Bekah looked really cute when I went to check on her during her morning nap that I couldn't resist a photo... By the time I got the camera she'd moved a bit but she was twirling her hair in her fingers. Bless.

Later today she fell asleep on the floor ... the picnic must've tired her out!

(I know her arm looks a bit freaky here but she was ok!)

MEGA car park!

Since James loves to park his cars on quilts we decided to see if we could get out ALL of his cars and park them on this big one! We could!!

You need a doctor?? You need a maid?!? Who ya gonna call?????

Bekah was just so happy marching around the other day with a stethoscope round her neck and a duster in her hand ... She's obviously going to be better at multi-tasking than her mother! ;0)

It's been a while ... Cute smiley close-ups!!!

Chalk beach ...

The other day James was drawing outside with his chalks and he came running in to tell me had made a beach!! He was so excited and when I went out I discovered he had done "the waves" and put the boats on, and then on the sand he'd put loads of stones. Very clever!

Our little bird in his nest ...

One of James' favourite games to play at the moment is to build a "nest" on the sofa with blankets, cushions and cuddly toys and pretend to be a little bird ... "tweet! tweet! I want some worms!" .... It can be really sweet!

Biker Bex ...

Recently I've been trying again to get James interested in riding the bike he got for his 2nd birthday but he really isn't bothered ... The other day I was getting something from the garage and turned around to see Bekah trying to haul the bike out into the garden ... So I got it out for her and she couldn't have been more thrilled!! She's so funny and looked very cute ... Think it's going to be a while before her feet reach the pedals properly though!

The munchkins colouring together ... moments like this warm my heart! ;0)

A trip to Silchester with James and Emily

The other day we went for a picnic with James and Emily and their Mummy. Mummy Peacock was once again amazed to discover how much old stuff there is in and around her home town ... This is the site of a Roman Archeological dig!!! As it turned out the dig was closed the day we went so we didn't get to see much old stuff but we did enjoy a nice walk in the countryside and a picnic!

"That gate is closed isn't it, Mum?"

Is Bekah watching the cows ... or are the cows watching Bekah ....

Our little picnic near the church (not in the graveyard ... in the end!)

Left to right: James, Emily, Bekah, James ....

The two girls were so sweet together!

They seemed to enjoy "sharing" food ...

I think these girls are going to have secrets ....

Sadly there was no excavating to see that day ... never mind!

"Uh-oh ... now what?!?"

"Guess we'll just have to do some excavating of our own ...."

(Both James' had diggers with them ... )

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our wonderful 2 day trip to Canterbury to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary ...

A really, really special time. We loved it so much!!!

The cathedral was very impressive with lots and lots of history ...

[This looked a bit Hogwarts-y/Harry Potter-ish to us!]

This statue seemed really freaky to me ... and maybe even more so when Dan pointed out it was supposed to be Jesus ...

This isn't the Jesus I know!!!

Who says us Brits don't have a Starbucks on every corner too?!?!

The irony of a Starbucks being next to the entrance gateway
of the cathedral was pretty funny ....

The wedding bus ...

We passed a church where a wedding had just finished and all the guests were about to board this wedding bus! It was quite funny ... now why didn't we think of having a big red bus at our wedding ... oh, well ... maybe next time! ;0)

Our wonderful Bed and Breakfast - House of Agnes

Mentioned in the Charles Dickens' novel David Copperfield ... and now a listed building ... which means it's OLD!! The bathtub was FANTASTIC and I very much enjoyed a long, relaxing soak. It was a wonderfully unique and quirky place - we loved it.

As well as looking at a lot of old buildings the weekend involved eating and drinking alot too ....

(and sometimes we could do BOTH - the restaurant where we had dinner was built in 1500 .... )

We finished our night out at the interestingly named "Bishops Finger" pub!

[This photo was taken the next day!]

We had a yummy lunch here on our first day - lots of cheeses, breads and chutneys!

Afternoon tea at Tiny Tim's Tea Rooms (apparently the most haunted house in Canterbury ...)

Don't know about the ghosts but I enjoyed my pot of tea with scone, jam and clotted cream! We'd just been to "the Canterbury Tales experience" and had learnt all about what it was about ... time to read the book (even if it is the "usborne retold" version ...)

At the Norman Castle ruins

Where's Wally/Waldo/Dan now??