Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our special 6 month old little pudding!!

Bekah was 6 months old last week and so I took her to the baby clinic to get her weighed. She's now 16lbs 6oz and is doing really well - especially since she'd been sick and so was off food for a couple of weeks. Not quite the porker James was at this age (he was 21lbs!!) but I think she's going to be more delicate than her big brother! She had 3 shots that day too ... and didn't even notice she had them!!! She was so busy studying the nurse that she didn't react at all. The nurse and I were both expecting her to scream but it never happened! What a brave little girl!
Oh, in other news - she finally had her first tooth break through this morning!!!! We knew it was on the way but it finally came ... just in time for Christmas!!! ;0)
PS This is my new favourite photo of Bekah!!!