Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It was a GRAND weekend with the GRANDparents in Norfolk!

A few weekends ago we went to stay with Nanny and Grandad in Norfolk and Grandma and Grandad came too! We had a great weekend - even if it did get a bit confusing having TWO grandads in the same place all weekend!! Mummy decided that perhaps they should be known as Grandad Squared (which was actually quite mathmatical for her!!!)

When Grandma and Grandad arrived we went for a trip to Cromer.

Daddy, James and Bekah watch the waves from the shelter of the cafe!

It was a *bit* windy by the sea ... Bekah was not amused by the whole thing!!!

Both Grandad't try to talk James into getting some surf lessons ...

James gets increasingly concerned that Grandad Squared are going to throw him in the sea!!

Moody shots of Cromer pier ...

(This was all froth as the waves where churning around so much)

James and Bekah enjoyed playing Connect Four with Grandma

A morning out to Felbrigg House and woods

"Come on, Nanny - coffee is this way!!"

Bekah knows where Nanny likes to stop first! ;0)

Chestnuts to roast ...

Auntie Cat asked me to take this photo ... and I forgot to ask why?? But it's a cool photo!

Grandma and Grandad in the courtyard

Bekah plants a stick in the hope that it might grow into a tree ...

Auntie Cat and Bekah (Chloe the dog was at the end of the lead ...)

How many grandparents does it take to hug a tree???

Where's Nanny when you need her?!? We'll never know!!!

Well, it SOUNDS like a donkey ...

and it SMELLS like a donkey .........

But you'll never know for sure!! I took the top picture and Dan took the bottom one ... neither of us took a "normal" photo ...

Grandad, James and Chloe the dog (the black blur!)

I was holding out for James to do the same hands-behind-the-back pose as Grandad but sadly it didn't happen!

In the woods ...

James found a pheasant feather - that's a new one to add to our collection!

Grandads, what the heck are you doing?!?!?

Grandads - she's too young to know the Saturday Night Fever pose yet ...

Grandad and Bekah

Some nature-y type shots ...

The perfect bench to have a little think ...

On our walk I spotted James sitting by himself on this bench and gazing up at the trees. I love it when I see these expressions of wonder and contemplation on his little face.

I love moments like this ... what is he thinking about??

And on his way once again ...