Thursday, October 8, 2009

A walk in the woods ...

Last week we decided to go on an expedition to the woods at the Look Out Discovery Centre in Bracknell. Before we left we packed a bag of things we might need - a magnifying glass, a torch/flashlight (a birthday pressie from Mark and Lisa!), a magnet, some crayons, some paper and of course some snacks.

James decided to be a chivalrous older brother ... and said Bekah should carry the backpack! To be fair it was her pink one ...

We had fun although 2 minutes after I took this photo James trod in the biggest pile of dog poo I have ever seen .... This put Mummy in a foul (pardon the pun) mood until she gave herself a shake and decided just to go with it! I got some great photos ... if I do say so myself!