Monday, June 28, 2010

Uncle Kev comes to play!

Last weekend Uncle Kev came down for a couple of days. We met up with him, Uncle Mark and Auntie Lisa for a picnic in Henley but (shock! horror!) Mummy forgot to take her camera ... Not to worry Uncle Kev came back to play cars with James ...

Bekah and James LOVED playing games on Uncle Kev's cool iPhone ... :0)

A bit later Uncle Mark and Auntie Lisa joined us for pizza ... and the Uncles invented a cool game to play ...

Chuck the ball and catch it in a cone!

Trying to "trick" me by pretending to be asleep ... and then just doing anything NOT to get dressed!

Our little fashionista ....

Apparently red socks under pink sandals are THE BOMB!
Mummy is soooo not "down with the kids" ....

Last week we popped over to see Grandad and ended up having a picnic in the garden ...

James the Handy Man in Grandad's shed ...

Bekah and I came back from the shops to find the boys in the shed! James was busy at work on his "dragster" ... This inspired Grandad to find another project for them to work on together ... more photos of that to come ...

Bekah's Lazy Boy chair ....

Got Bekah's car seat out to adjust the straps and she plonked down in it and watched TV .... So ladylike .... All she needs is a cold beer in one hand ....

James was soooooooo pleased with himself for parking ALL the cars from the car basket ....

Just after this photo was taken he dashed off to get ever more from upstairs!

Opening presents from Auntie Kev .... :0) She just won't accept he's UNCLE Kev!

Thank you, Auntie ... err, I mean UNCLE Kev!

Opening presents from Auntie Zoe - cool bracelets, hair clips and a very funky handbag (which Mummy might borrow ...)

Thank you, Auntie Zoe. Bekah had such a great time seeing her namesake.

Is she Ben Elf or Princess Holly????

There's a TV show over here called Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom about a little elf and a fairy princess. All the elfs have trumpets and Bekah thinks they're really funny so I made her one the other day ... because she's an elf ... Daaaadoooooooo!!!

Just taking photos because I can ....

More paddling pool fun ...

Forgot to post these photos of the munchkins monkeying around in our paddling pool for the first time this summer. These were taken a few weeks ago.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Big Toddle for Barnardo's (with Pirate theme!)

On Tuesday Grandad and I took the munchkins to Beale Park to take part in The Big Toddle for Barnardo's (a UK children's charity). The idea is that it's a short sponsored walk (or toddle) for under 5's to raise money for the charity. This year it had a pirate theme so we made these pirate hats.
In the end we did our own independent toddle .... It was all fine until James and Rebekah spotted the playground and that was it ... that was all they wanted to do! So since it was very hot and very busy, and to avoid public, toddler melt down Mummy made an executive decision to play first and toddle later!!!! :0) We did the Toddle route after we'd had our picnic.
I know it's cheating but hopefully our sponsors won't mind and at least it gave me an opportunity to talk to James and Rebekah about charitable work and doing something to help others, while raising money for a good cause at the same time!
At the last count we've raised 75 pounds - thank you to everyone who sponsored us! :0)

I think our little pirates enjoyed digging around in the sand pit more than anything ....

BIG THANK YOU to Grandad for coming along too and being an extra (and much needed!) pair of hands!!! We really appreciate you and all that you do!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who shall I be today? Our present to Bekah was this dressing up box ...

Grandad made and painted the box, and then I decoupaged the pictures and words on. And we've been collecting hats etc. for the past month or two from charity shops, and a few "official" dress-up things too. Hopefully it's something that will grow with us. Bekah seems to enjoy dressing up and I think she liked it. Thank you, Grandad for all your help!

Birthday tea party!

On Saturday we had a little family birthday tea for Bekah. James was a big helper getting everything ready ... he did, however eat about 80% of these sausages!

Even more presents!

A fairy princess tent from Grandma and Grandad - thank you!

Kezia has one like this and so Uncle Tris was able to advise on how to put it up! Both James and Bekah have enjoyed playing in the tent ... who says boys don't like pink?!?

Kezia got Bekah a sylvanian family set that came with a little lunch box with TEENY TINY sandwhiches!

Bekah thought it was really funny when Daddy tried to eat them!

Some cool accessories for the dressing up box (Thank you Auntie Sarah, Uncle Tris and Kezia!)

Kezia looked really cute as a bunny rabbit ... and I think she wore them for the rest of the party! ;0)

A pretty veil for the dressing up box! Thank you, Auntie Caroline and Uncle Adrian!

Braving the unpredictable weather and eating outside ....

The weather had been iffy all day ... At 5pm it was sunny so we decided to eat outside .... at 5:30 when we sat down to eat ... it wasn't!

Hope everyone wasn't as miserable as they look in this photo ...

Cake time!