Friday, June 25, 2010

The Big Toddle for Barnardo's (with Pirate theme!)

On Tuesday Grandad and I took the munchkins to Beale Park to take part in The Big Toddle for Barnardo's (a UK children's charity). The idea is that it's a short sponsored walk (or toddle) for under 5's to raise money for the charity. This year it had a pirate theme so we made these pirate hats.
In the end we did our own independent toddle .... It was all fine until James and Rebekah spotted the playground and that was it ... that was all they wanted to do! So since it was very hot and very busy, and to avoid public, toddler melt down Mummy made an executive decision to play first and toddle later!!!! :0) We did the Toddle route after we'd had our picnic.
I know it's cheating but hopefully our sponsors won't mind and at least it gave me an opportunity to talk to James and Rebekah about charitable work and doing something to help others, while raising money for a good cause at the same time!
At the last count we've raised 75 pounds - thank you to everyone who sponsored us! :0)