Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Our very own Pumpkin Patch ...

People keep asking me what I miss most about America. Aside from friends (of course!!), and how much more convenient things seem to be, I realized (particularly after checking out Devon's blog - that at this time of year I'm really missing the pumpkin patches that pop everywhere and the sight of those bright orange pumpkins against the blue, blue sky! So I decided we'd make one of our own .... ;0)

Making the pumpkin patch ...

The tractor delivered the hay ...

Big Bear Bed ...

Since James will soon be moving into his own Big Boy Bed we decided to make a Big Bear Bed for Bear!!! It is rather impressive (if I do say so myself!) ;0)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Want to play a game with me?"

Which way is the baby going to fall .... to the left or to the right??

SPLAT!! Who guessed the right?? I'd forgotton how much fun this game was! ;0)

"Aaaarggggh! Don't just stand there taking photos, Mummy!!!"
I love her face expression ... ;0) Sitting up can be so tricky!

Bekah the Blogger?

Like mother, like daughter ....

Picnic in the park

Just to show our American audience how unpredictable and changeable our weather can be ... This was us having our lunch in the park at the end of last week!

Playing in the park

The next David Beckham?!

James had a great time kicking the ball around - even if his knees did get a bit muddy ...

But then ... who needs trousers/paaants anyway??

Ready to roll?!

Bekah has been rolling from her front to her back alot lately ...

Here she goes ...

Pajama Party Picnic

[And it looks like either Bekah is ready to go back to bed or she likes her parties to be a bit wilder ... ;0) ]

A good reminder that although our "big " boy seems so grown up at times ...

he's still not!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The day our stuff left our home in America two months ago ....

The day our stuff arrived at our new home in England ... hmmmm ....

We couldn't believe it when it started snowing last night and this is what we woke up to this morning!!! It's the first time it's snowed in October in England since 1934 apparently .... It was quite exciting to see and the first time that James and Bekah got to experience snow! It didn't delay all our stuff arriving from America though. Everything arrived (and most of it in one piece!). There'll be more photos coming soon ....

Oh, and that's our car by the way (under the snow!). Not a purple PT Cruiser but not too bad. I've finally been out driving (not in the snow!) and got on ok. I need to work up to some bigger roundabouts and busier roads - I just need to get over the fact that all the roads seem so narrow!!

What's all that white stuff??

James was so excited to see the snow in Grandma and Grandad's front garden!

"Look, Bekah at all that snow!!"

This photo came out really dark but it was really sweet watching James point out "all that snow!" to his little sis. We didn't tell him that she got a sneak peak at the snow when it started falling the night before (he'd already gone to bed). Funny to think that she got to see snow before James did! ;0)

"Ooooo -it's cold!!!"

Daddy bought some snow in so that James and Rebekah could feel how cold it was!

Monday, October 27, 2008

This was James ...

enjoying his first foods ... and he hasn't stopped eating since!

A TASTE of things to come?

Bekah got her first taste of solid food last weekend (not counting the yoghurt/grapes/raisans her big brother has tried to give her ...). She didn't seem too impressed ... Maybe she's not a fan of British food?!

"I got one of James' toys!! ....

( and don't I look pleased about it?!)"

Sticky Autumn/Faaaaaaaall pictures!

The other day we collected leaves and twigs etc. from the park while we were there playing and then came home and made some autumn pictures.

This photo says so much ...

about everyones priorities ...
James - glue or "goo" as he calls it.
Bekah - her brother.
Mummy - getting photos for the blog!
I love it! ;0)

One of the finished pictures

Can we fix it?!!

I had grand plans of making construction worker outfits for both James and Bekah for Halloween and so this is us making tools for the tool belts .... but don't expect to see the costumes! Realized that a) I don't have time to make costumes and b)we don't have anywhere to take them all dressed up. Although there is Halloween over here it's really not the same - more focus on the scary stuff and less on the cute costumes. We're going to a "Light Party" at our church instead so maybe there'll be photos of that.

Scottish Souvenirs!

Rebekah got her first dolly from Scotland. James named her Dotty (thank goodness it wasn't Mick!!!). She loves chatting with her - they seem to have some very serious debates sometimes .... James got a lorry/truck with tartan on the side. They had boys names on but were out of James so I got "JIMMY" instead - seemed more appropriate anyway coming from Scotland! ;0)

ANOTHER present from America!

[It's taken me a while to get round to posting these photos - sorry!]
James got a birthday present in the post/mail from the Johnson family a few weeks ago. He was so excited to open it up and see what was inside. Thank you so much for ALL the presents!!!