Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The day our stuff arrived at our new home in England ... hmmmm ....

We couldn't believe it when it started snowing last night and this is what we woke up to this morning!!! It's the first time it's snowed in October in England since 1934 apparently .... It was quite exciting to see and the first time that James and Bekah got to experience snow! It didn't delay all our stuff arriving from America though. Everything arrived (and most of it in one piece!). There'll be more photos coming soon ....

Oh, and that's our car by the way (under the snow!). Not a purple PT Cruiser but not too bad. I've finally been out driving (not in the snow!) and got on ok. I need to work up to some bigger roundabouts and busier roads - I just need to get over the fact that all the roads seem so narrow!!