Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meet Mick ... and Mick ... and Mick ...

For some unknown reason James has started calling all his little people "Mick" ... I have absolutely no idea why he's chosen this name ... When I asked him what his first construction worker was called he said "Mick". Took me by surprise but fair enough. THen the next one? "Mick" and then the final one "He's called Mick, isn't it?!"

This led to a really funny conversation with Grandma a few days later involving some more of the Fisher Price people ... He insisted they were ALL called Mick and Grandma couldn't persuade him to call them anything else.
So trying a different tactic Grandma said "Where's Jim?" ...
James: Where's Jim gone? Where's he gone?
Grandma: (holding up a different Fisher Price person) Is this Jim?
James: No. That's Mick. Where's Jim? Where's Jim?
Grandma: (holding up another different Fisher Price person) Is this Jim?
James: No. That's Mick. Where's Jim? Where's Jim?
Grandma: Well, what does Jim look like?
James: He looks like Mick ....

At which point Mummy and Grandma totally lost it!! It was VERY funny!